Monday, December 22, 2008

Jen & Ryan

Jen & Ryan and all their friends Bruce came home from Fort Mac to throw a shaker of a wedding in New Glasgow.
It was cold, windy, snowy and the whole wedding party was still willing to hang around outside to take some pics. 

this is just one...

and here's a link to check out their slideshow:

thanks guys. merry christmas!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

my logo. no logo

I don't have any photos, but I did something the other day that still kind of makes me chuckle and since i'm in a hotel in a snow with nothing else to it is:

A few years ago I read Naomi Klein's "No Logo", about brand bullies and the anti-globalization movements. loved it. it was riveting to me. i wasn't buying coffee. i was buying status. i didn't go off and work for adbusters or join the culture jamming movement or anything...but i do stick my front teeth out every time i pick up my grande non fat cappucino and surrender my 5 bucks.

so when we put the latest version of the applehead studio photography website up i realized i didn't really have a go to 'text version' or logo, if you will.

i needed to create my own swoosh.

enter my friend, we'll call her Sheryl, the big wig ad exec from TORONTO. She's branded jam so i assumed she could help get me out of my own brand jam. she put me in touch with Amy here in halifax. i figured i would let someone do to me, exactly what i never wanted to be done...brand me.

i will fully admit i'm looking forward to seeing what happens when Amy takes everything i do, crumples it all into a ball and creates something that represents, in 2 dimensions, the feelings that i get taking those photos.

i hope you like it.

(insert logo here)

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

...few more of the ladies

marse is turning out to be a bit of a picture maker herself.

lola and eegn

i realize this is becoming a bit of a lola site but i never did have a direction with the whole blog so I'm just going to ride it out and post whatever catches my fancy and perhaps tickles your fancy too.

got some cool new duds from our friends in Maryland and the only way to prop lola up was in a bumbo.

there was no one home when i was setting up the lights so eegn sat in for a test shot...he's pretty cool.

cyc wall!

cathy's brother, adam, took a photo a long time ago of his brothers and sisters with all their children in this same pose. so when cathy called me to try and shoot it w annika I was pretty excited...mostly because I've been dreaming about building a cyc wall for a while now.

this is just a moch up cyc wall but it worked quite was so exciting that Annika pee'd on her mom just seconds before this shot. so as happy as cathy looks here, she's actually laughing at herself and her pee covered pants.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

christmas cards from chaos

i had been putting alot of thought into what kind of christmas card to make for christmas this year. had a few ideas but it sort of just happened while we...marcia....rigged up the lights on the tree for three hours. 3 hours. have photos to prove the chaos. meanwhile i'm trying to have a little wine, entertain lola and take pictures of the chaos of it all. 

the chaos usually ends at bathtime and lola took a liking to the effort her mom put into the tree...and the next thing we know, we got a xmas card.  

their presence will be my favorite present this year.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

On the Grow

we didn't notice until we had Lola, just how many sharp objects, steep stairs, electrical outlets and items of significant weight we had around the house. they're all slowly being put away before she learns to branch out in her own mode of transportation...

so where do you take your kids to let em run wild with no worry for outlets or giant wooden giraffes tumbling on top of them?

wall to wall cushy mats and more toys than you can shake one of those play-skool lawn mowers that make noise and tumble colored balls around a plastic globe at.

i did a fun little shoot with a few of the kids from On the Grow, added a little sugar are got some great images. 

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

blogs are adult homework

lots happening and very little written.
did a few shoots with a wild bunch of ankle biters...and a post wouldnt be complete without a photo of Lola (her mom isn't a bad photographer/button pusher)

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