Sunday, March 29, 2009

long time no blog...

so my good buddy Marty popped out to the house Friday nite to pick up a couch. He sat around with Marse and I for about 5 minutes for a glass of wine when he decided he was staying and we were gonna have a few more....

all that day Marse was planning our Friday nite...put Lola to bed, have some wine, make dinner and watch Twilight....yes TWILIGHT the Vampire teenage love movie.

how happy was I when Marty showed up to save me from the painful bite of Bobby or Billy or Brad or whatever that vampire kids name is.

bottles of wine get empty, beer runs out and we were forced to switch to the rum. Appletons' reserve compliments of Shawn Delaney. We headed to the garage to listen to the TAPE that came as a part of the Pearl Jam Ten Re Issue. Its a recording of the tape Eddie sent to Stone and Jeff in an attempt to apply to be the bands lead singer. the simple action of taking the tape out of its plastic case and sliding it into the tape player was just awesome and trumped only by the sounds to follow. you should really check it out...I'm sure its on the information superhighway somewhere....stick your thumb out and find it.

so i'm sidetracked, as always. My point is that toward the end of the nite Marty chastized me for not blogging this is for you Marty.

we're working on some really huge endeavors here at Applehead being the new 'home' at Aperture Studio on Barrington St. More details to follow but here's a sneak peak of the new studio in all its pre-grandeur grandeur. Huge props to Brian Larter (and Karen Murdock) for putting this masterpiece together.