Tuesday, October 7, 2008

dont fall asleep...

so we try and keep lola awake in the evenings until about 8. it's impossible...unless you dress her up and take pictures of her. so this is what we do when we try and stay awake so we can sleep. i never knew parenting was so devious. (snazzy threads courtesy of chris and nathalie.)

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Monday, October 6, 2008

the boys

zachary, sam & matthias showed up on Sunday and took over. i can't believe i shot these guys when they could fit in the palm of your hand. The bigger they get, the nicer I am to them...for safety sake. 

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Run like ya stole something...

i was flipping through some of Jen & Geoff's images last nite around 2 in the morning and when I came acoss this first image I literally laughed out loud  for a long time. 
when I met with Jen a while back I got the feeling they were going to be a wild and zany crew. She had suggested Historic Properties for some photos but I thought we needed to free these guys up and let em run wild. so after some great shots with the really really really big family I asked them if they wanted to go to a back alley for a few shots....and this is just a small sample of what we got. nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd...even the police were watching.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

email is down...

I have no idea whats going on and i cannot get in touch with anyone who provides me hosting/email services , not for lack of trying, but the email address liam@appleheadstudio.com is not working. The messages will bounce back to you and say my quota has been exceeded.

Sorry for any inconvenience...hopefully it will be solved soon.

In the meantime please contact me at this address:


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


i always wonder just who i'm talking to as spew randomness at random moments.
anyway, here are some pics of Lola for no other reason than she's cute and can't even hold up her own head yet but she makes me laugh. her mom's pretty funny too.