Saturday, January 31, 2009

lola, the crazy eyed frog and the quacking ducktub

this crazy eyed green frog that lola has is really gettin on my nerves. 

doesnt matter what time it is, that frog is happy and chipper and, i dare say, just a little showy. 

6 am and that thing wants to dance the cha cha or condescendingly tells us how high he can count. 

well,the crazy eyed frog and lola met up today and faced off in a game of who-can-sit-propped-up-in-the-corner-of-the-chair-the-longest.

the crazy eyed frog pulled a fast one with his cotton stuffing guts. 

i locked him in the closet and we took some pics of lola gettin ready for bed.

too many made us laugh so here they all are in slideshow form...

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

my fcking website and email have been down for 2 days now.

sorry to throw the profanity out on the information superhighway like that but what else can i say? 

perhaps tomorrow it will come back. i was told there is a chance...but my hopes exceed my expectations.

the reason is long and uninteresting and the result of making decisions based on price and not on quality. my apologies to anyone who is trying to reach me and cannot.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

up before the sun...

just a few pics from a sunday morning we all got up before the sun.
crazy and unpredictable singing frog

all before 7.30

as an know how they put the milk at the back of the grocery store in hopes you walk through and pick up a few more items. well ever since lola came i always buy her something...and that something is either too big or too small or...not actually meant for babies. well i went in for milk and came out w a hat for lola (a hat that will never be photographed), Office Space dvd extended edition for $9.99, milk and a copy of wedding bells.

flipping though Wedding Bells and saw one of my photos that Felicity Bridal had used in an ad. and here it is....

i should buy milk more often.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

sit in on a hand of domines

i spent the week in Cape Breton...

(SIDEBAR - I was in Cape Breton and did a shoot with my good friends Jeff and Steph who I hadn't seen for a long time. They are having a baby in late February and I couldn't wait to take some photos. the last time I took pictures w Jeff he coined the name "applehead". 

anyway, shoot was fun. we drank homemade wine, or at least jeff and i did, smoked backyard cigarettes and had a few laughs. then we decided to get Brodie. 

Brodie is their 4 year old chocolate lab. he's a phenominal dog motivated only by his overwhelming desire to show you love and affection. i love him, he loves me.

in fact he loves me so much that when i bent down to turn on a light he careened, lovingly toward me, knocking me in one direction, my on-camera Pocket Wizard in another, my 5D and one portion of my 24-70/2.8 lens in yet another and finally, the remaining portion of my lens also off toward the cement basement floor. good boy Brodie.)

anyway, i get back from Cape Breton, undaunted by the fact that my camera bag has more pieces in it now than when it left.

my cousin, cynthia, is in town from Edmonton to hang out with us for a while as my mom rushes fists first into a battle with non-hodgkins lymphoma with the courage of a thousand men. it's a battle i expect has only one outcome. mom wins.

so my point here is that I got home from Cape Breton after a week away and mom and Cynthia came out and made spaghetti w anchovies and we played some dominoes and drank wine.

Bolla wine...which always makes me think of Dickson because his front door area would always be full of empty bottles of Bolla Valpolicella. not 4 or, 10 or 12 on any given day. it was awesome.

bla bla, I get sidetracked easily. 

here's a my-eye-view of a one rotation of dominoes. note my double nine with no satisfaction anywhere and Jude's sitting pretty on Last Tile.

i forget who won. who cares.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

almost baby

ok, so I admit its hard to keep a blog. it falls way down on the list of things to do. shoveling has creeped its way to the top.

after a cancelled shoot due to a never-did-arrive snowstorm, I finally met with Gavin & Elizabeth for a photo shoot in the studio with their almost-baby. when I asked them what they had in mind and what they wanted from the shoot they said they didn't want "soft and white and flowy"...and then out came the AC/DC maternity shirt. so whoever this bay is...he/she has some pretty bad ass parents! here's a couple form the shoot.

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